Thursday, October 11, 2007

Napoleon Hill

Napoleon Hill the author of “Think and Grow Rich”is also know
for poetry and quotes.
He has inspired generations.

“I bargained with life for a penny
and life would pay no more,
however, I begged at evening
when I counted my scanty store;

For life is a just employer
he gives you what you ask
but, once you have set the wages
why, you must bear the task;

I worked for a menial’s hire
only to learn dismayed
that any wage I had asked of life,
life would have willingly paid.”

If you cannot do great things, do small things in great ways.

Procrastination is the bad habit of putting of until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.

Happiness is found in doing, not merely possessing.

Cherish your visions and your dreams as they are the children of your soul, the blue prints of your ultimate achievements.

We begin to see, therefore, the importance of selecting our environment with the greatest of care, because environment is mental feeding ground out of which the food that goes into our mind is extracted.

There is one quality which one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants, and a burning desire to possess it.

The world has the habit of making room for the man whose actions show that he knows where he is going.

A goal is a dream with a deadline.


Simplicity & Dignity by Zig Ziglar

A parent or teacher who treats a child with dignity builds the self-esteem of the child and automatically increases the child's performance, which generally improves the child's conduct. An employer who treats employees with respect and dignity builds loyalty and increased productivity.

You treat another person, regardless of age, with dignity when you courteously listen to him or her and respond in a thoughtful manner. You treat others with dignity when you show them respect, regardless of their occupation, sex, race, creed or color. And when you treat others with respect and dignity, your own self-respect and sense of dignity improve.

Simplicity and dignity make a powerful combination. When you strive for dignity and use simplicity as a yardstick, you've just elevated your possibilities for accomplishment.

See you at the top!
Zig Ziglar - visit Zig on the web

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Words of wisdom

It Is Up To You

One of the first things successful people realize is the old adage, "if it is to be, it is up to me." That is, for you, the fact that your success and your course is up to you. This doesn't mean that you do it all alone. It simply means that you take responsibility for your life and your career.

Too many people today look at opportunity and figure it is up to someone else to make sure they get it. They look at financial security and hope that the government will make sure they live safely in retirement or in case of disability. They wait and wait, figuring that it is up to someone else. And then the wait is over, and it is too late to do anything. Their life is over and they are filled with regret.

This isn't true for you however. You know that you must take responsibility for your life. It is up to you.

The fact is that nobody else is going to do it for you. You must do it yourself.

Now, some people may say, "Jim, that's a lot of responsibility." But here's what I think, that is the best news you can ever hear. You get to choose your life. Hundreds of millions of people all around this world would give anything to live in the situation you do just for the chance to have the opportunity to take control of their destiny. "It is up to you" is a great blessing! Here's why:

1. You get to chart your own destiny. Maybe you want to start a small business and stay there. That's great because you can choose that. Maybe you want to create a small chain of stores. Maybe you want to have a net worth of $100 million. That's okay too. The idea is that you get to choose. You can do whatever you like. Different people have different dreams and they should live them accordingly.

2. You can reap what you sow. Sleep in and go to work late and reap the return. Or get up early and outwork the others and earn a greater return. Place your capital at risk and earn a return or place it at greater risk and perhaps reap a greater return. You decide what you will sow and thus what you will reap.

3. No one else can stop you from getting your dream. Yes, there will always be things that come up and people who may not like what you are doing, but you can just move on and chart your own course. There is great freedom in that.

4. You experience the joy of self-determination. There is no greater pride than knowing you set your mind on something and accomplished it. Those who live with a victim mentality never get to experience the joy of accomplishment because they are always waiting for someone else to come to the rescue. Those who take responsibility get to live the joy of seeing a job well done.

Let me ask you a question: Where will you be in 5 years? 10 years? Or 25 years? Do you know? Do you have an idea? Have you ever dreamed about it or set a goal for it? Are you willing to take responsibility and recognize that, "It is up to you?"

You will be wherever you decide to be in those timeframes. You decide. It is up to you.

And that is very exciting!

To Your Success,
Jim Rohn - visit his a web site

How to Begin

Avoid early mistakes

One of the recurring mistakes people make when it comes to marketing their network business, is that although one of their pre-sign up objections was that they "don't want to be in sales", immediately they go out and start trying to "sell" their amazing product to their friends and family.

The worst thing you can do if you are not trained properly is approach family and friends from the perspective that you have this great exciting business opportunity and it entails this great juice product with a ton of health benefits, and we will all be rich next week.

You could get the cold shoulder and if you persist, you might join the NFL Club -no friends left.

I tried this and seen others do it as well and it wasted both time and money. After a couple of months we either get discouraged and quit or learn to give people what they want.

A better way to introduce your family and friends to your business and/or product, involves what I call "friendship marketing".

Approach life in a friendly manner and begin conversations, with the intention of learning about people. Learn to "fish" for people’s wants and needs, and then if they fit into your criteria, offer a potential solution.

For example, if you hear your contact talk about their lack of finances from time to time, you might say, "(name of contact), you know how you sometimes mention that you wish you had more money/ spare time to do more things with your family, well...if there was a way to make that happen and it wouldn't get in the way of your job or current situation, would you be open to taking a look at it."

You see, if you don't know what your contact's need is and remind them that they have it, why would they ever want to take a look at a potential solution to something that they don't even realize is plaguing them?

It can be a problem with their finances, their health, their time freedom, you name it. The key is to offer a solution without trying to sound like a salesperson who is coming from a place of desperation or greed.

When you take this approach, more often than not, your contact will be open to listening to information, visiting your website or even attending an event with you.

Just remember that some will, some won't, don’t stress. Perhaps they will be more open to your recommendation at a later date.

This is the key to your success. Continue to meet and speak with new people all the time, listen for their problems or ask them about themselves so that they tell you their problems and then, offer a potential solution.

Collect and pass out contact details and if you come across someone who you really would not want to work with, look for some friendlier people.

How long does it take to get professional or trade qualifications? Years before they start to make decent income. There are short cuts to developing a residual income but they still require time and effort.