Thursday, December 31, 2009

Positive Signs

Positive Signs for the Year Ahead

In the last week some articles crossed my path, that have the following
positive signs for 2010 for our home based businesses.

1) This past 18 to 24 months of bad economic conditions has
created a positive shift in perception toward MLM /
Network Marketing and more people will want to give it a try in 2010.
Unheard of job losses, pay cuts and benefit cuts have professionals
realising there are no guarantees and better options for security are needed.

2) The internet will see a large increase in usage in 2010. Microsoft
released a study that in 2010 people spending time on the internet will
pass time spent watching T.V.

3) The largest growth of people looking for additional income
streams and spending time on the internet will be the 55 year old + crowd.

As we look to the year ahead we can share these trends and
incorporate them into business growth plans for 2010 and beyond.
Happy New Year &
Let us make this year even better.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Titanic MLM

Had that sinking Feeling?

Have you heard of the Titanic? At it’s time it was the largest,
most impressive ship on the ocean. It was hailed as the
best luxury liner ever built.

However, it did not live up to expectations. It was not the fault
of the passengers or crew but they stood on the deck of the
Titanic while it was sinking.
If that were to happen, you'd really want to find another seaworthy
vehicle to assist your friends before the icy waters impacted on their lives.

When your ship is sinking, you don't have time to lose.
You must choose a new ship, and choose quickly, before your
business associates and friends start jumping ship and are
lost forever. This is a time for you to show leadership.
Don't jump in the first lifeboat that comes along without
any thought for your friends and associates.
You have to find a boat big enough for everyone.

The good news is that experienced people within the industry
have formulated tried and true guide lines to choose the best
long term grow vehicles.

Choosing the right ship will enable you to save everyone.
Change is not without some difficulties, but it can be
extremely profitable. Select the right company and those
who are leaving the sinking ship will soon forget their misfortunes.
Focus on arriving at your destination in safety and in style.

Bon Voyage.

Friday, November 6, 2009

SMALL things make a BIG difference

Here are few small things you can do every day that will
help you grow your life and your business:

Read 10 pages a day in a book that will change your life - Slight Edge,
Think and Grow Rich, As a Man Thinketh, Acres of Diamonds, etc.

Listen to an educational CD or MP3 that will change your life,
rather than the radio while commuting.

Smile at 10 people each day.

Find 3 things to compliment your spouse about each day.

Find 3 things to compliment your kids about each day.

Find 1 thing to compliment your boss about each day.

Work each day at your job like they were paying you what your worth.

Volunteer or mentor the disadvantaged regularly.

Send an encouraging message or card to your downline members each
month and be available more often to mentor distributors.

Give a sample or brochure to a new person each day.

Speak nothing but positives - no griping or complaining or
gossiping or speaking badly about another person
(including yourself) - each day for the next 30 days.

Speak about your business and your life as if it were
special and you reality will move toward your dominate thoughts.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Own Your Life

Attaining your Dreams!

"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our
doubts of today." --Franklin Delano Roosevelt

This is the main reason people never realize their dreams.
They are afraid to take action and change their lives.
The reality is approximately 95% reach old age at…or below the
poverty level. That being said, if you don't begin doing what the
5% do, then you will live a very frugal old age.

Let us work on your:-

Do you believe you and your family deserve to have a comfortable life?
Do you believe you can earn the kind of income that will allow
you to live that lifestyle? Can you step outside your old belief system
that has perhaps prevented you from achieving big goals?
Don’t wait for your friends to lead the way, spending another 5 years
Getting no closer to fulfilling your dreams.
“If it’s going to be it’s up to me”.

Change your pattern

What’s been your plan to date? Is the 40-40-40 plan the best you have got? Working 40 hours a week for 40 years to retire and live on 40% or less than what you couldn’t live on to begin with?
You must determine you are ready to make a change in your life.
You must be committed to achieve what it is you desire. You must
have the desire to do better; then follow a plan to get you there.

If you are passive, your best bet is to work for someone else…
or CHANGE! Success is 97% Attitude. Be Fearless!
The only people who don’t make mistakes are those who don’t do anything.
Take responsibility and learn to succeed.

A lot of people tell me they want security…my response to that is simple...
“Only you can create Security”. Gone are the days of jobs for life.

Let’s get started, Own Your Life

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Booming Market

Functional foods market worth $27bn +

The US functional foods market will grow by up to 20 percent

or five times that of the food industry as a whole, according

to a new report from Pricewaterhouse Coopers that puts the

market at $27bn in 2007.

Forecasts range from between 8.5 percent and 20 percent,

the finance firm said, compared to one and four percent for

the entire food industry.

Functional foods have grown to the point where they account

for five percent of the food industry, with consumers more

interested than ever in fortified foods – even those whose overall

nutrient profile is variable.

The Pricewaterhouse Coopers report noted consumers were

willing to pay premiums for foods that targeted health problems

or provided an alternative to the likes of soda drinks and

empty calorie snacks. This was so even in hard economic times.

The report comes after research conducted by the International

Food Information Council that found of those Americans trying

to improve their diets, 79 percent are changing the types of

foods they eat, 69 percent are changing the amount of foods

consumed, and 19 percent are changing their use of dietary supplements.

The 2009 Food & Health Survey found that healthfulness,

among other product attributes, is an important factor that

influences consumers’ purchasing decisions. When consumers are

choosing foods for themselves and their children, they are

interested in healthful components.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It's Your Life

There are 3 types of people in business...
  1. Those who make things happen.
  2. Those who hope things happen.
  3. Those who wonder, what happened?

  4. In all aspects of life we can choose our level of participation.

    Ask your self, are you the type of person who looks for people
    to blame or do you take charge and look for solutions?

    Surround your self with positive goal orientated people
    and your ventures will be more enjoyable.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

PreLaunch Opportunity

Yoli PreLaunch Opportunity
When searching for the right network marketing company it's
important to evaluate each company by a set of criteria:

Age of Company -
Companies that have been around more than 10 years,
are stable and secure, but you've also missed the
best growth years. If a company is under two years old,
you are taking a big of a risk, but also have the greatest
opportunity to take advantage of the maximum growth
phase. To minimize the risk of a company under 2 years old,
make sure that all the other criteria are met.

Management - It is critical that any company has a
strong management team. They should have a good mix
of successful corporate experience, network marketing
distributor experience, and the ability to successfully
handle money. If the founding managers are self-funding
the company, that is always a good sign, as they are fully
invested and will do whatever it will take to ensure success.

Product/Market - You want to have a product that is unique,
patented, highly consumable, and fits into a major market trend.
If it has a wow factor that's a big bonus.
Companies that are not positioned in front of big market trends,
grow slower. You want to find a company that is in the wellness field
(as it's the hottest market right now, due to the aging of the baby boomers).
If it offers a functional beverage, that's even better as that is
one of the fastest growing segments of both the
beverage and nutritional markets.

Compensation Plan - A plan that takes care of the part-timer, but is also lucrative enough for the big hitter is best. Look for bonuses that pay a person quickly and the bonuses that will help them cover their autoship. A high percentage of network marketers will quit after 90 days if they aren't covering their autoship. Also, you want to have unlimited income potential.

With that criteria in mind, watch the following pre-recorded webinar on a new company called Yoli. ,
Click Here
If you like what you see contact an insider like me

Friday, July 10, 2009


Who has been asked "Is this a Pyramid"?

Yes it's a common question in the industry, so
develope some appropriate responses.

It really depends on the situation and who you
are dealing with as to your reply You don't have
to educate the world, some people just aren't ready any way.

It's better to find people who are positive and
self motivated and the question arises less often .
Question "Is this one of those Pyramid things"
Here is one Answer
"Sure, If you mean a fantastic opportunity to take
control of your life, better than getting a
promotion type of thing.
Look I think with your abilities ( specify ) you could
earn (extra, a lot more) in my business other
wise I would not offered.
There is one thing, you know, we really should not
interchange the word networking with pyramids.
Pyramids are illegal and you don't really think I
would be associated with anything shady do you?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Expanding Market

Expanding market of health, beauty
and weight management.

As obesity and health concerns abound, the weight
management market is expected to enjoy double-digit
gains, reaching $726 billion by 2014, predicts a new report.

According to the medium term
out look for weight loss products, health and beauty
remain the two primary objectives for women –
the primary target segment - when considering weight
management products.

"Health is valued more than beauty as age increases,"
suggests the report, that predicts annual growth of 10.9 per cent
for the global weight loss market between 2009 and 2014.

In 2003, Americans spent $18.8 billion on supplements
and about half (170 million) of Americans take some
kind of dietary supplement.

"Many low calorie food and beverages cannot induce weight loss –
their main aim is only to prevent weight increase,"
comments the report.

As consumers push for solutions to their expanding waistlines a Scientific Breakthrough has arrived.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How to avoid being dead broke or financially crippled!

Learn to Live your Best Life

We have all seen them, with a bored or tired look on
their faces, commuting perhaps an hour or more to and
from a job they don’t enjoy only to be two pay cheques
away from bankruptcy. Yep I’ve been there, living for
the Friday night or for the week end.

They didn’t start out this way. People start out with
great intentions to make a success of their life.
A baby fails on average 10,000 times before successfully
walking without falling. That's how determined we were
when we started life. Imagine if a baby tried to walk,
fell over a few times and thought, "this is too hard. . .
I am just going to take the easy option and
crawl the rest of my life!"

By our teenage years we have been told an average of
100,000 times that we are NOT good at lots of things,
that we won't be successful, that we can't do this
and can't do that. Many people have already built an
identity by their teenage years where they are
full of doubt and fear.

We start our working life with aspirations of success
yet 95% of people retire dead, dead broke, or living
off social security or family. 100% of people intended
to be successful but only 5% actually achieved a life
where money and time do not control their retirement years.

Four out of five people who start up a new business
fail in the first 12 months. 80% of those still in
business after year 1 will fail in the next 4 years
after investing significant amounts of money, time and effort.

The point is 100% of people start out with an
INTENTION to be successful in life, in business
and yet the majority do not achieve the life they desired.
How do you avoid being another statistic? "Look at what
everyone else in doing and head in the opposite direction
as fast as you can" was the advice given to me by one of
my mentors and I believe there is a lot of wisdom in
that statement.

If the majority of people are NOT living the life they
desired WHY would you do what the majority of people
are doing? Why would you listen to their advice?
You need to STEP OUT of your comfort zone, do things
differently and take different actions to everyone else.
However be aware that when you do not follow society
you will also have your critics. People may judge you,
criticise you and not support your decision. Often the
biggest critics will be family, friends and those closest to you.
Remember though, critics will not pay your bills, take
you on holidays, and they will not fund your retirement.
It is the decisions and actions you take NOW that will
decide your future. Your current life situation, good or
bad, is a result of our past decisions and actions. What
are you doing this year to make sure the next 5 years is
NOT a repeat of the past 5 years?

What can you do part time with minimal expense to maximise your life.

Learn from and copy what the 5% do.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Many Work until they Drop

Longevity Vs. Retirement Age

The pension funds in many large corporations

(e.g., Boeing, Lockheed Martin, AT&T, Lucent

Technologies, etc.) have been “Over Funded”

because many “late retirees” who keep-on

working into their old age and retire late after

the age of 65 tend to die within two years after

their retirements. In other words, many of

these late retirees do not live long enough to

collect all their fair shares of pension money.

Dr. Ephrem (Siao Chung) Cheng provided

the important results in the following Table

from an actuarial study of life span vs. age

at retirement. The study was based on the

number of pension checks sent to retirees

of Boeing Aerospace.

Table – Actuarial Study of

life span vs. age at retirement.

Age at


Average Age

At Death































Most Creative Years in the Life

The Nobel Laureate, Dr. Leo Esaki, delivered

a lecture entitled "Innovation and Evolution"

in the University of Texas at Dallas, Feb. 23.

Dr. Esaki indicated that most of the great

discoveries and innovations by the Nobel Laureates

occurred at the average age of 32 even though

the Nobel prizes were awarded 10 or 20 years

afterwards. Furthermore, Dr. Esaki indicated

that the peak creativity of most scientists occurred

around the age range of 20 to 30 years.

As one gets older, the experience increases

but the creativity decreases steadily with the age.

It is, therefore, very important to stimulate,

the cells of your body to keep functioning at

optimum levels, and retire young enough to

enjoy your Best Life.

Join us Soon

Monday, May 25, 2009

Give Your Self A Pay Rise

Who can decide to Give them selves a

Pay Rise this Month?

Yes business owners like your self, can decide to
give them selves a pay rise when ever they like.
In which other system can you earn more than
your supervisor/sponsor. In MLM you can.!

Reading books listening to cd's and attending big
meeting or seminars for your home based business
are great ways to learn the secrets to success.
Some of the best content comes from the people
who are making the most money. There’s nothing
like getting to listen to the top earners in your
business talk for an hour or two about what they
did to get all their success. However, as much great
advice as they can give you there are a few secrets
that most top earners aren’t telling you.

Here are 3 things the MLM pro’s probably
aren’t telling you….

1. They’re working…. HARD!

You don’t get to make 6 figures in MLM unless you’re
willing to put in some serious effort! These guys
aren’t just working 2 - 4 hours a week they’re probably
working more like 8 - 12 every day!
They’re also probably working every single day on their
goals. So if you’re only working 10 hours a week on your
home based business you’re probably not going to get to
the big money as quickly as you’d like. As with any
business you have to put in a lot of man hours in the
beginning. Then after you’ve found your success you can
slack off a little… ok slack off a lot!

2. They’ve thought about giving up

There are many, many rewards to working from home
however there are also a lot of challenges. What the
experienced guys probably aren’t telling you is that
they had the same doubts and fears that you’re having
right now. They probably even wanted to quit at one
point or another. So what separates them from the
people who aren’t making much money? Simple, they
may have thought about quitting but they never did
and they wouldn't have undermined their team with
negative thoughts.!
The good part about MLM is that everyone
has to start at the same place. So for every doubt you’ve
ever had that six figure earner has probably had many
more, they just never gave up!
They focus on their goals and what it takes to
achieve them.

3. They spent money

While there are a ton of free things you can do to build
your business. If you think you’re never going to have
to spend a cent to get rich you’re dreaming. Like any
other business it’s going to require money in order to grow.
You don’t have to spend thousands and be careful not to
waste money but growth requires investing.
Ever heard the phrase it takes money to make money?
It’s true! You don’t have to spend a fortune though.

Decide to get paid what you are worth.
and give your self a pay rise every month.!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Learn from the Best

Thanks for the Leadership

One of my business mentors the late Bob Schmidt created large

organisations with a number of international companies.

He was regarded in what is now a hundred and ten billion dollar

industry,as one of the world’s top networkers, yet he was an

engineer by profession.

He learnt and perfected his networking skills by reading and doing,

on the job.
I can remember him saying if he and his wife walked away for

a year and spent the time travelling and sitting on the beach,

his business would grow in that year.
He was talking about residual income; build it once,

an investment your family can enjoy for life.
Find a professional network marketing company with a product

that can and is changing lives. (The criteria is on a previous blog)
Then commit massive effort early, create momentum to grow your

business and that of you associates. The reward is compound

growth and dreams turn into reality.

I hope you enjoy these short video’s

Bob Schmidt

Always learning


We can learn from every one, from successful people we can learn

what works and from unhappy people we learn what doesn’t.

Bob left a legacy

Thank You

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Principles on Wealth

Warren Buffets principles on Wealth.

Our happiness is diluted and our peace is threatened by the financial
illness that has infected our families, organisations
and nations.
Everyone is desperate to find a remedy that will
cure their financial
illness and help them recover their financial
health. They expect the
financial experts to provide them with
remedies, forgetting the fact that
it is these experts who
created this financial mess. Every new year,
I adopt a couple of
old maxims as my beacons to guide my future.
This self-prescribed
therapy has ensured that with each passing year,
I grow wiser and
not older. I invite you to tap into the financial
wisdom of our
elders along with me, and become financially wiser.

• Hard work: All hard work brings profit; but mere talk leads only to poverty.
• Laziness: A sleeping lobster is carried away by the water current.
• Earnings: Never depend on a single source of income.
• Spending: If you buy things you don't need, you'll soon sell things you need.
• Savings: Don't save what is left after spending; Spend what is left after saving
• Accounting: It's no use carrying an umbrella, if your shoes are leaking.
• Auditing: Beware of little expenses; a small leak can sink a large ship.
• Risk-taking: Never test the depth of the river with both feet.
• Investment: Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

I'm certain that those who have already been practising these principles remain
financially healthy. I'm equally confident that
those who resolve to start practising
these principles will
quickly regain their financial health. Let us become wiser and
lead a happy, healthy,prosperous and peaceful life.

Warren Buffet

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Millionaire Traits

Do you share these “Millionaire” traits?

(My favourite is number 7)

In Thomas Stanley and William Danko's book "The Millionaire Next
Door" – they revealed that most millionaires really could be the
folks next door. They don't drive a new car every year or jet
around the world. In fact, sometimes they're the least likely
person you would suspect.

Here are 7 commonalities that most millionaires share. How do you
shape up with these characteristics?

1. They live below their means. 
Half of the millionaires
interviewed did not live in high-status neighborhoods. Instead,
they lived in average neighborhoods in average houses. That's how
they were able to sa~ve money. The other half that did live in
high-status neighborhoods only moved there after they had become

2. They lead frugal lifestyles.
 Most do not b~uy $5,000 suits,
expensive boats or even new cars. You might say they're tightwads.
They sh~op for bargains and always negotiate for a better deal.

3. They're self-employed or own their own businesses. 
also love their work -- they connect with their jobs and feel very
passionate about them.

4. They plan and study investments. 
The majority of
millionaires invest heavily and sp~end a large amount of their
time studying their investments or seeking advice from financial

5. They weren't always at the top of their class. 
surprising commonality among the millionaires interviewed was that
they didn't all have advanced degrees or graduate at the top of
their classes. Some didn't even go to university and a few didn't
even finish high school.

6. They're self-made. The majority of millionaires received
no family money and do not plan to give their own children a lot
of money. They want their children to succeed the same way they
did -- on their own.

7. They’ve failed more than most. They above all others are
not afraid to have a go and keep trying against all odds.

Don’t think you have to fail before you succeed. It’s not a
pre-requisite. I understand the importance of turning failures
into valuable lessons,
the “never-give-up” attitude is honourable
but with the right advice and
guidance – you can stack the odds
heavily in your favour and be
successful WITHOUT
leaving a trail of disaster behind you.

"People who never try, never fail,
or perhaps their whole life is a failure."

A close friend of mine asked about the million dollars,
and I answered that people like you and me are more into
helping our families and communities than accumulating

Friday, March 20, 2009

If it's going to be.

Don’t rely on one mentor to create your life.
If you wait for someone to come around and motivate you,

what will happen if they don't show up? Are you going to stay

unmotivated for the rest of your life?

Have you ever had a new distributor call you and say:

"Oh, I can't be successful because my sponsor doesn't help me.

Or "my down line are holding me back."

I need more help. Why doesn't my upline sponsor a group for me?

Why doesn't my sponsor do my work and prospect, telephone,

and present my program to his prospects?"

Why don’t they shoulder the load and create a business for me?

As leaders, we can only smile when we get telephone calls like this.

We know the caller is avoiding personal responsibility for his results

and just wants to blame everyone in the world but himself.

So what can we tactfully say to the caller to help him grow up and

accept personal responsibility? How about replying to the caller by

saying: "So what exactly do you want your sponsor to do that you

are unwilling to do for yourself?"

It's not guaranteed, but most distributors will at least begin to accept

personal responsibility for their businesses.

We can teach but the student must be willing to learn, do some

research and implement what they have learnt.

When they gain and implement the attitude

“If it’s going to be, it’s up to me”

They will attract more of what they desire