Saturday, September 12, 2009

Own Your Life

Attaining your Dreams!

"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our
doubts of today." --Franklin Delano Roosevelt

This is the main reason people never realize their dreams.
They are afraid to take action and change their lives.
The reality is approximately 95% reach old age at…or below the
poverty level. That being said, if you don't begin doing what the
5% do, then you will live a very frugal old age.

Let us work on your:-

Do you believe you and your family deserve to have a comfortable life?
Do you believe you can earn the kind of income that will allow
you to live that lifestyle? Can you step outside your old belief system
that has perhaps prevented you from achieving big goals?
Don’t wait for your friends to lead the way, spending another 5 years
Getting no closer to fulfilling your dreams.
“If it’s going to be it’s up to me”.

Change your pattern

What’s been your plan to date? Is the 40-40-40 plan the best you have got? Working 40 hours a week for 40 years to retire and live on 40% or less than what you couldn’t live on to begin with?
You must determine you are ready to make a change in your life.
You must be committed to achieve what it is you desire. You must
have the desire to do better; then follow a plan to get you there.

If you are passive, your best bet is to work for someone else…
or CHANGE! Success is 97% Attitude. Be Fearless!
The only people who don’t make mistakes are those who don’t do anything.
Take responsibility and learn to succeed.

A lot of people tell me they want security…my response to that is simple...
“Only you can create Security”. Gone are the days of jobs for life.

Let’s get started, Own Your Life