Home Business Market Growing Fast
Did you realise that home-based businesses on the Internet
are one of the fastest growing employment sectors in the
US, even during economic down turns.
Will the developed world follow the trend?
According to the U.S. Department of Labour there are over
20 million work-at-home businesses and it is projected that
half the population will be working in part from home by 2025.
Just over half of small business owners operate some type of
home based business opportunity. Money magazine recently
reported that between 10 and 15% of home-business owners
make a gross revenue of 100K-500K. However, most people
in developed countries seem oblivious to this trend and consider
traditional jobs as the only option for earning an income.
There is no shortage of online business opportunities.
From using software tools to invest in stocks, to selling on
Ebay or putting up affiliate sites. There are hundreds of ways
to establish an online business presence. However it is wise
to do your home work and be wary of the get rich quick schemes
that generally don’t have a consumable product or involve a
technology that will soon be superseded.
Like any other business, success is dependent on acquiring
knowledge and hard work. The advantages are that entry into
an online business is inexpensive and the work hours are flexible.
With such a small risk, more and more people are finding it worth a try.
Most Australians do not retire with enough money to live
the lifestyle they want and deserve. Could an online business
be the solution for you to secure your future?