Monday, May 25, 2009

Give Your Self A Pay Rise

Who can decide to Give them selves a

Pay Rise this Month?

Yes business owners like your self, can decide to
give them selves a pay rise when ever they like.
In which other system can you earn more than
your supervisor/sponsor. In MLM you can.!

Reading books listening to cd's and attending big
meeting or seminars for your home based business
are great ways to learn the secrets to success.
Some of the best content comes from the people
who are making the most money. There’s nothing
like getting to listen to the top earners in your
business talk for an hour or two about what they
did to get all their success. However, as much great
advice as they can give you there are a few secrets
that most top earners aren’t telling you.

Here are 3 things the MLM pro’s probably
aren’t telling you….

1. They’re working…. HARD!

You don’t get to make 6 figures in MLM unless you’re
willing to put in some serious effort! These guys
aren’t just working 2 - 4 hours a week they’re probably
working more like 8 - 12 every day!
They’re also probably working every single day on their
goals. So if you’re only working 10 hours a week on your
home based business you’re probably not going to get to
the big money as quickly as you’d like. As with any
business you have to put in a lot of man hours in the
beginning. Then after you’ve found your success you can
slack off a little… ok slack off a lot!

2. They’ve thought about giving up

There are many, many rewards to working from home
however there are also a lot of challenges. What the
experienced guys probably aren’t telling you is that
they had the same doubts and fears that you’re having
right now. They probably even wanted to quit at one
point or another. So what separates them from the
people who aren’t making much money? Simple, they
may have thought about quitting but they never did
and they wouldn't have undermined their team with
negative thoughts.!
The good part about MLM is that everyone
has to start at the same place. So for every doubt you’ve
ever had that six figure earner has probably had many
more, they just never gave up!
They focus on their goals and what it takes to
achieve them.

3. They spent money

While there are a ton of free things you can do to build
your business. If you think you’re never going to have
to spend a cent to get rich you’re dreaming. Like any
other business it’s going to require money in order to grow.
You don’t have to spend thousands and be careful not to
waste money but growth requires investing.
Ever heard the phrase it takes money to make money?
It’s true! You don’t have to spend a fortune though.

Decide to get paid what you are worth.
and give your self a pay rise every month.!