Here are few small things you can do every day that will
help you grow your life and your business:
Read 10 pages a day in a book that will change your life - Slight Edge,
Think and Grow Rich, As a Man Thinketh, Acres of Diamonds, etc.
Listen to an educational CD or MP3 that will change your life,
rather than the radio while commuting.
Smile at 10 people each day.
Find 3 things to compliment your spouse about each day.
Find 3 things to compliment your kids about each day.
Find 1 thing to compliment your boss about each day.
Work each day at your job like they were paying you what your worth.
Volunteer or mentor the disadvantaged regularly.
Send an encouraging message or card to your downline members each
month and be available more often to mentor distributors.
Give a sample or brochure to a new person each day.
Speak nothing but positives - no griping or complaining or
gossiping or speaking badly about another person
(including yourself) - each day for the next 30 days.
Speak about your business and your life as if it were
special and you reality will move toward your dominate thoughts.