Work from Home
Over the years in network marketing, I've worked with and
mentored lots of people. I've seen something consistently
through these years, perhaps you have noticed it to.
Let me digress for a moment.
Some years ago some friends of mine bought a restaurant.
They had to do all the paper work to get approvals and spent tens
of thousands to buy the equipment and set it up. Then buy
supplies, and hire employees. They worked long hours to build
their business. They didn’t have a holiday for two years.
Understand they had to pay a lot for rent, then all the other bills,
like electricity, gas, food and wages before they seen a dollar
come back to themselves. The interesting part is that during those
first two years, they never once considered quitting.
Yes they had some very difficult times and headaches with staff
but quitting was not an option.
Okay, now back to what I've noticed consistently among
network marketers – many have the expectation that their business
should be profitable within a few weeks or months and
if it's not they quit and are on to something else.
Here is the lesson I learned many years ago, that made the
difference between being a network marketing failure
and a huge success - once you have found a solid business, don't quit.
Quitting should not be an option. If it takes you a year to become
successful, so what. If it's 2 or 3 or 5, so what? Think about it for a
minute. What else are you going to do over the next 5 years
that has half the potential to give you the financial return and
time freedom for the rest of your life? Quitting should
not be in your vocabulary or your thoughts!
I know that so often network marketing is portrayed
as a get rich quick scheme. It’s not, think about a newly
planted bamboo or a tree, you look at it every day and
nothing much is happening. The bamboo is laying down its
roots first before doing much above ground.
Here's the key and your part in this picture. You've got to
find the first 2 people who are ready, willing, and able to
get out there and find their 2 people. Continue to work with
them until they are confidently building their business
on their own. If they give up, then enroll another person
in that leg and start again with them - helping them find their 2.
Your job is to get the multiplication down 4 levels.
Now, this is going to take some time, so have a long-term mindset.
Robert Kiyosaki (in his insightful new book,
The Business for the 21st Century)
says that we should have at least a 5 year mindset for
our network marketing businesses. Don’t give up your job or
other source of income, so you can continually re-invest the
profits back into your business. This will result in that
slow growth at first, but later the tremendous exponential
growth bamboo has that will result in you living the
life that most people only dream about!
So, never, never, never, never quit!
Keep talking to new people and helping those who join to
multiply and in time you will have bamboo forest.
Back to the restaurant for a minute. Of the staff my friends
spent years training, 3 opened restaurants in competition.
Now that’s tough.
Another mate with a landscaping business
had the same experience with a trainee starting their
own business in competition.
It happens all the time in real estate to.
In networking if you build a solid relationship,
both of you can benefit.
Have a great day!