Thursday, December 6, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
Philosophy by Jim Rohn
The Ant Philosophy by Jim Rohn

Over the years I’ve been teaching kids about a simple but powerful concept—the ant philosophy.
I think everybody should study ants. They have an amazing four-part philosophy,
and here is the first part: ants never quit. That’s a good philosophy. If they’re headed
somewhere and you try to stop them, they’ll look for another way. They’ll climb over,
they’ll climb under, they’ll climb around. They keep looking for another way.
What a neat philosophy, to never quit looking for a way to get where you’re supposed to go.
Second, ants think winter all summer. That’s an important perspective.
You can’t be so naive as to think summer will last forever. So ants gather their
winter food in the middle of summer.
An ancient story says, “Don’t build your house on the sand in the summer.”
Why do we need that advice? Because it is important to think ahead.
In the summer, you’ve got to think storm. You’ve got to think rocks as
you enjoy the sand and sun.
The third part of the ant philosophy is that ants think summer all winter.
That is so important. During the winter, ants remind themselves,
“This won’t last long; we’ll soon be out of here.” And the first warm day, the ants are out.
If it turns cold again, they’ll dive back down, but then they come out the first warm day.
They can’t wait to get out.
And here’s the last part of the ant philosophy. How much will an ant gather during the summer
to prepare for the winter? All he possibly can. What an incredible philosophy, the
“all-you-possibly-can” philosophy.
Wow, what a great philosophy to have—the ant philosophy.
Never give up, look ahead, stay positive and do all you can.
Click Here For More Information from Jim Rohn
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Network Marketing
According to industry leaders and trainers,
selecting the right company is one of the first steps to
success in starting a Network Marketing home business business.Here’s what we recommend -
The first key is to pick the best network marketing company; one
that can be proudly represented. History proves that there are five
pillars to a successful network marketing company:
1. Management – the management team must include people who have
experience building large, successful traditional businesses and
also successful network marketing representativeships. This is the
best of both worlds – they know how to build a big business and
they think like representatives. Also, look for a visionary leader
heading up the company, a behind the scenes operations person, a
marketing genius, and a trainer/teacher. This overall combination
will produce a winner in the management pillar.
2. Product/Service - historically products out-perform services,
but there are a few top network marketing companies that offer
services, so don’t completely discount them. The keys here are that
the product or service is something people would use and become
passionate about, even if they aren’t involved in the business. The
product or service should be such that customers and
representatives need to buy it at least monthly via an automatic
purchase program. The product/service should have both present and
future demand and appeal to the masses (all ages, genders, ethnic
groups, etc). It’s a huge plus if the product or service is unique
(patented or exclusive).
3. Trends – look for powerful market trends that will drive the
company through massive exponential growth and you’ve got a real
winner. Anything the Baby Boomers (those people born between 1946
and 1964) want will be a big hit. Anything the media is talking
about (that also has future demand) is probably going to be big.
Look around you. Read books and articles that are talking about
trends and then find a network marketing company with
products/services that fit those trends. For example, a huge
present and future trend is health and wellness, so those companies
that are marketing health and wellness products are going to enjoy
growth due to this powerful trend.
4. Compensation – every network marketing company offers a
compensation plan, which is how representatives are paid. A good
plan will enable the average person, who will historically only
sponsor 2-4 people, to make enough money to cover their monthly
product purchase within their first 90 days. The plan will also
have solid middle money for those who want to replace their job
income and great back end money, providing the potential for high
six and seven figure incomes. The compensation plan should also be
easy to understand and explain.
5. Training and Support – a primary reason people fail is that they
aren’t trained and supported properly. The company should provide
training on the products/services, compensation plan, back office
system, and business building. A legitimate company offer
replicable representative web sites, weekly webinars/
teleconferences, and live meetings. A good upline team will provide
deeper training and support (three-way calls, prospect meetings,
conference calls).
for more information - Licence2printMoney
home business,
network marketing
Friday, March 2, 2012
Home Business opportunity with Growth
Double-Digit Record Growth in February
It's official. You did it again. Yet another double-digit monthly increase and record sales in February. And March is already looking to be even crazier. "March Madness" has officially arrived here at Yoli.Now, if your goal is to capture some of that growth, then Saturday training webinars are a must, as in non- negotiable, for both you, and your teammates who feel the same way.
If your goal is to simply enjoy the Yoli products, maybe get your product for f.ree every month, and earn a few hundred extra dollars, then just sit back and enjoy the ride.
If you'd like to qualify to drive a luxury car, paid for by Yoli, like Dusty Grove just did, however, then, yes, Saturday trainings are for you.
Whatever level of commitment you're at is AOK we're just happy that you're in it with us. Because it is truly you, and your stories, that are propelling Yoli to all new heights.
To all new heights!
Corey Citron
Yoli Founder, CMO
Home business opportunity look no further than Yoli Australia, Yoli Malaysia, Yoli Indonesia and Yoli Thailand opening.
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