Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Dealing with Objections

I have found the three most common objections to being involved with home business revolve around:-

Our industry

The price

Insufficient time.

In any sphere of life, people will have different views to our own. This often occurs because they don’t have a full understanding of the subject and their opinion may be tainted by inaccuracies.

Our business involves education, marketing and training. This can best be accomplished by using a friendly, sincere and honest approach. Our goal is not so much to sell a particular product but to develop lasting relationships. Confrontation is likely to polarize opinion. However, if anyone has real concerns we should acknowledge them as such. A formula used successfully to accomplish this can be remembered with three simple words:

Feel – Felt – Found (or)

See – Saw – Found (or)

Hear – Heard – Found

NB: Whichever of the above you use, depends upon the predominant approach of the person to whom you are speaking and whether they are kinetic, visual or auditory. Use their own terms for most effective communication.


If the objection is to networking or Multi-Level-Marketing (MLM) - confused with pyramid schemes - we might say:

“I know how you Feel. I and people I know have Felt the same until they Found that pyramid schemes are illegal. They can be differentiated from legal marketing enterprises because they pay commission on signing people up rather than promoting a valuable product. Pyramid schemes are heavily, whereas MLMs are an efficient way of marketing that is attracting business people like Warren Buffet and Donald Trump, both of whom embrace, promote and foster the concept.

In using the three-word formula, we have acknowledged their real concerns by saying that other people have had a similar view until they gained more information.

Did you know that Richard Branson became involved in network marketing by developing one of the most successful direct sales companies in the UK?

Did you know that over 100 billion dollars in sales is generated through direct sales?

Or that this industry has created more millionaires than any other industry?

The more we know about our product and industry the better we can deal with objections. If you don’t know the answer to a question, just ask if you can get back to them, while you consult with a colleague or refer them to your web site as most questions are addressed in our FAQs and Company information.

The two other popular objections are the price of the product and that people don’t have enough time to run a business:


With price concerns we must know what makes our product special. Then use the three-word formula: e.g. “I know how you Feel. You’re not alone; a few people Felt that way too, until they Found that…”

(or) “I can See that... and you’re not alone as others Saw that also, but then they Found that…”

(or) “I Hear what you are saying. You’re not alone; others have Heard that too, but then they Found that…”

Spending a couple of dollars a day to boost your bodies defences is money well spent. You can demonstrate that your product works by referring to the science and also mention the many satisfied customers testimonials. Our product has been verified and quantified by science.


Some people who say they have no time just don’t want to change their lives. Yes they complain about the cost of fuel and groceries or they tell you of their goals and aspirations yet they won’t at this stage do anything about their situation.

You should try to explain the benefits of the industry but be realistic; you can’t carry them on your journey to make your goals come true. You might say:

‘I know how you Feel (or I hear what you are saying). You’re not alone, a few people Felt that way (have said this) too until they Found that”:-

They could incorporate this business into their everyday lives by handing out business cards and letting the web site and other tools do their job.

Then follow up with a couple of phone calls. Training helps us succeed and this can be done without cutting into your time. You might listen to CD’s while driving or read information while commuting. Many people soon commit to making a better life for themselves and to doing whatever it takes.

Thought Provoking Questions:

Q. How much would you need in the bank to earn just an extra $200 a month @ 5% interest? A. $12,000. An extra $400 p/m would need $24,000, and to earn an extra $1000 p/m would need $54,000 sitting in the bank.

Q. Would that extra income make a difference?

Q. How long at your present salary would it take to have that amount?

Q. (For mature people). If you have difficulty making ends meet now, how would you like to live on the basic pension? Would it affect your lifestyle?

Q. What are your goals? What would you like to be doing in 3 - 5 years from now? Enjoying a well deserved holiday on a tropical beach; enjoying the company of a loved one; or commuting through the traffic to the same old job?

This business might not be for everyone but I truly believe that everyone can benefit from a regular dose the most powerful anti-oxidants.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Network Marketing Millions

Congratulations now you have a million dollar business

Business Presentation

It is so important with any presentation to present a friendly honest face.

Yes smile, even when you are on the phone.

To get yourself in the mood, before you pick up the phone or speak with a prospect, think that you are helping people to achieve financial freedom.

Get in the mind set that you are creating a million dollar business.

You are the CEO and you are looking for your senior managers.

Hang on Peter, I hear some one say…..

Where did you get this million dollar business from?

We have learnt to talk about an extra $500 to a couple of thousand extra a month.

No one will believe that a million dollar business is realistic.

That’s right, start with an amount that can mark a difference in their lives.

Compound Duplication

Early on in your relation ship with a business builder teach them the power of compound duplication.

Either do a napkin presentation or use a white board so they really get it.

Each month we sponsor one person.

In January we sponsor 1 person and teach them to sponsor I person.

By February we have 3 people

We continue to sponsor and teach our distributors to teach their distributors.

Have a look at the compound growth.

January 1

Feb 3

Mar 7

Apr 15

May 31

June 63
July 127
Aug 255

Sep 511

Oct 1023

Nov 2047

Dec 4095

Once you have finished, ask your audience which 6 months bought in the most

New distributors.

The second six months is by far the most productive but that could not have been achieved without the foundations that were laid in the first six months.

Every one can see clearly that persistence pays off.

Now comes the reality check. People often sponsor less qualified people and they give up on their dreams easily.

Lets say that only 1000 distributors remain at the end of the year and that these people buy on average $1000 worth of product per year. (less than $100pm)

1000x1000 equals a million dollar business.

Congratulations now you have a million dollar business

Talented people can sponsor more than one person a month, but as you can see

Building relationships and teaching other is crucial to success.

Also you need to have a quality product and without doubt we have that.

Friday, June 27, 2008



"If you procrastinate when faced with a big difficult problem...
break the problem into parts, and handle one part at a time."
-- Robert Collier

"If you wish to reach the highest, begin at the lowest."
-- Publilius Syrus

"If you go as far as you can see, you will then see enough
to go even farther." -- John Wooden

"To climb steep hills requires slow pace at first."
-- William Shakespeare

"Make education a continuing, never-ending process."
-- Nido Qubein


"I now realize there are millions of self-made millionaires
who started with nothing. They dug inside themselves to
find the answers and they succeeded. There is nothing
anyone else can do that I can't do." -- Dean Graziosi

"The place to improve the world is first in one's own
heart and head and hands." -- Robert M. Pirsig

"Don't go around saying the world owes you a
living; the world owes you nothing; it was here first."
-- Mark Twain

"The most important thing I have learned over the years
is the difference between taking one's work seriously and
taking one's self seriously. The first is imperative, and the
second disastrous." Margaret Fontey


"Waste neither time nor money, but make the best use of both.
Without industry and frugality, nothing will do, and with
them everything." -- Benjamin Franklin

"Don't be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are
small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that
much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones
tend to take care of themselves." -- Dale Carnegie

"If I knew I was going to live this long, I'd have
taken better care of myself." -- Mickey Mantle

"I not only use all the brains that I have, but all that
I can borrow." -- Woodrow Wilson


"The will to win is important, but the will to
prepare is vital." -- Joe Paterno

"It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the
way you carry it." -- Lena Horne

"He who has a why to live for can bear almost
any how." -- Friedrich Nietzsche

"Expect the best, plan for the worst, and prepare
to be surprised." -- Denis Waitley


"Success is living up to your potential. That's all.
Wake up with a smile and go after life & live it,
enjoy it, taste it, smell it, feel it." -- Joe Kapp

"The only thing that sat it's way to success
is a hen." -- Sarah Brown

"Success can be measured easily... it's the getting
there that is rarely measured with most people...
nor tracked." -- Doug Firebaugh

"The pessimist sees difficulty in every
opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity
in every difficulty."
Winston Churchill

Never give up never surrender.

Gimly said it best in Lord of the Rings
"Certainty of death,
small chance of success.
What are we waiting for"

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Home Business

Home Business Market Growing Fast

Did you realise that home-based businesses on the Internet

are one of the fastest growing employment sectors in the

US, even during economic down turns.

Will the developed world follow the trend?

According to the U.S. Department of Labour there are over

20 million work-at-home businesses and it is projected that

half the population will be working in part from home by 2025.

Just over half of small business owners operate some type of

home based business opportunity. Money magazine recently

reported that between 10 and 15% of home-business owners

make a gross revenue of 100K-500K. However, most people

in developed countries seem oblivious to this trend and consider

traditional jobs as the only option for earning an income.

There is no shortage of online business opportunities.

From using software tools to invest in stocks, to selling on

Ebay or putting up affiliate sites. There are hundreds of ways

to establish an online business presence. However it is wise

to do your home work and be wary of the get rich quick schemes

that generally don’t have a consumable product or involve a

technology that will soon be superseded.

Like any other business, success is dependent on acquiring

knowledge and hard work. The advantages are that entry into

an online business is inexpensive and the work hours are flexible.

With such a small risk, more and more people are finding it worth a try.

Most Australians do not retire with enough money to live

the lifestyle they want and deserve. Could an online business

be the solution for you to secure your future?

Friday, May 9, 2008

Beleive In Your Self

What Holds You Back

Have you heard of Thomas Edison, Richard Branson, Jay Leno, Cher, Walt Disney, Winston Churchill , Whoopi Goldberg, and Ted Turner?

Can you guess what they all have in common?
They were all dyslexic. Dyslexia is an inherited condition that makes it extremely difficult to read, write, and spell despite at least average intelligence.

For these a person to become famous acquiring knowledge and a lot of reading was required but they did not let dyslexia keep them from becoming all they could be.

“It’s not what you are that holds you back, it’s what you think you’re not.” quote by Denis Waitley

Many people who are struggling for success, believe they’re lacking something, that if they possessed it, would make them successful. When the truth is, they already possess everything they need to be successful. They just need to learn how to use it to their advantage.

Libraries and the internet are great recourses to study how others overcame hurdles that you may have experienced or to acquire and refine skills that you desire.

And please never forget this, “It’s not what you are that holds you back, it’s what you think you’re not.”

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Kakadu Networking

Effective Networking Presentation

This is a presentation to show to your business
orientated people. It demonstrates that no one
has to sponsor the world to succeed.
Start them with an achievable goal.
This demonstration will also show them how
Important it is to work with their people
and help them get started.
Just by every one sponsoring 2 people
Your organisation grows.

After explaining that 2x2= 4 and multiplying
down to 16, explain that not everyone is
capable of sponsoring 2 in their first month.
Where as others accomplish this quickly.
It’s happened in my organization that one
enterprising gent sponsored 2 people before
his enrollment had been processed. He
sponsored his third the following day.
Although you help every one you have
sponsored, some are ready to start a
business, some require time and some
remain customers.
Remember we have to provide what
people want.
When you have explained 2x2 imagine
adding just 1 more.


Just one more per month will increase the
numbers dramatically. From 16 to 81
Lets see what happens when every one
sponsors 5.

627 = a total of 782 in 3 months.

Understand two things about organisations
Not every one works at the same speed and
it is difficult to work with more than five.
Build 2 or 3 down lines to achieve rank
advancement and then build another leg.
Imagine for a moment if your company
paid down 10 levels as Kakadu International
does, and all payments are dynamically
compresses up. How big could your
organization become.

The larger the goal the larger the satisfaction.


Saturday, January 26, 2008

Networking and MLM Success

Networking and MLM Success

Depends on Identifying Trends

Nutrition trends for 2008

This year, expect to see a flood of new food products boasting their ailment-specific benefits -- everything from fighting colds to cancer, from easing arthritis to wrinkles.

"Artificial" is out and "authentic" is in.

Here's a look at the top nutrition trends that we predict will shape how we eat in the coming year.

Junk-free foods

The Mintel Global New Products Database predicts companies will be more aggressive in removing additives, preservatives, artificial colors or flavors and "otherwise unknown ingredients" from products to have "clean labels" and to make junk-free claims. Expect to see more products with ingredient labels that read like "a home recipe rather than a chemist's shopping list."

Naturally nutrient-rich

Even though sales of pumped-up foods and beverages have been soaring, a backlash against heavy fortification may be brewing. Lynn Dornblaser, a new products analyst for Mintel, predicts that people will be seeking more natural sources of nutrients. This desire for authentic nutrition is what drove the popularity of "superfruits" this year.

Ethical eating

Growing concerns about the environment, animal welfare and fair trade are fueling companies to declare their commitment to these issues on food labels. Foods and beverages with an ethical positioning doubled this year, according to Mintel. With "eating green" predicted to be even bigger in the coming year

Phytonutrients and Antioxidents

These natural plant compounds with names that don't exactly roll off your tongue -- polyphenols, flavonoids, quercetin, lycopene, lutein and anthocyanins -- are about to go mainstream, Sloan predicts. Studies suggest phytonutrients have disease-fighting properties that are even mightier than vitamins and minerals.

Better-for-you kids' food

Worries over childhood obesity and the influence of marketing to kids have forced a new generation of children's foods. A positive nutritional profile will be required for getting into the kids' market, said Dornblaser. She predicts more fruit snacks that actually contain fruit, juice drinks with less sugar and more organic foods for kids.

Brain food

Certain food compounds -- from omega-3s in fish oils to flavonoids in cocoa -- may have the ability to improve memory, sharpen concentration and even reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. This year, brain claims nearly tripled, according to Datamonitor's Productscan Online.

Being good to your gut

It seems we've never been more interested in our intestines. Nearly 200 new products touting digestive health benefits were introduced this year, according to Datamonitor, an online research firm. Some are fortified with fiber that benefits our good intestinal bacteria.

Foods with fullness

With our collective girth getting worse, consumers will remain hungry for foods that can help them lose weight. Look for more foods to promote hunger control and showcase their rankings on the satiety index to help dieters stay on track.

Eating to ease inflammation

Aging baby boomers are driving the demand for "joint health" foods and beverages. Store shelves will likely be stocked with more products promising pain relief, either from arthritis or exercise.