Business Presentation
It is so important with any presentation to present a friendly honest face.
Yes smile, even when you are on the phone.
To get yourself in the mood, before you pick up the phone or speak with a prospect, think that you are helping people to achieve financial freedom.
Get in the mind set that you are creating a million dollar business.
You are the CEO and you are looking for your senior managers.
Hang on Peter, I hear some one say…..
Where did you get this million dollar business from?
We have learnt to talk about an extra $500 to a couple of thousand extra a month.
No one will believe that a million dollar business is realistic.
That’s right, start with an amount that can mark a difference in their lives.
Compound Duplication
Early on in your relation ship with a business builder teach them the power of compound duplication.
Either do a napkin presentation or use a white board so they really get it.
Each month we sponsor one person.
In January we sponsor 1 person and teach them to sponsor I person.
By February we have 3 people
We continue to sponsor and teach our distributors to teach their distributors.
Have a look at the compound growth.
January 1
Feb 3
Mar 7
Apr 15
May 31
June 63
July 127
Aug 255
Sep 511
Oct 1023
Nov 2047
Dec 4095
Once you have finished, ask your audience which 6 months bought in the most
New distributors.
The second six months is by far the most productive but that could not have been achieved without the foundations that were laid in the first six months.
Every one can see clearly that persistence pays off.
Now comes the reality check. People often sponsor less qualified people and they give up on their dreams easily.
Lets say that only 1000 distributors remain at the end of the year and that these people buy on average $1000 worth of product per year. (less than $100pm)
1000x1000 equals a million dollar business.
Congratulations now you have a million dollar business
Talented people can sponsor more than one person a month, but as you can see
Building relationships and teaching other is crucial to success.
Also you need to have a quality product and without doubt we have that.
Your math to success with figures of $100 X 1000 people making a million dollars for them, come on please I am curious because the trail that led me here. But that millionaire would be only that if 100% of everything from conception to the final moment of collection was all their own. Sure 100 X 1000 may = a million but how much was the product, how much to get it ready for market, and ship (a) to market (b) to consumer, and then theres what time is involved for each individual that actually sold the product. Now after each position is compensated for their part what is the actual percentage left? I again am interested but don't want to BS people nor do I like the idea of being BS'd to. Everybody generally thinks a million is it their rich and I know that it surely help me but what do I really have after 1000 people spent 100 dollars on product? I guess the question would be how much are you going to give me to make you rich? Because if I feel good about doing it and end up living healthy and financially comfortable than everything is good. But spare me the misleading BS and lets get on the level, if your to good to see eye to eye on my level than were no good at all, or should I say you're no good for me.
We talked about creating about a million dollar business and that was demonstrated. A million in profit is a bigger task and could be accomplished by continuing the process.
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