Saturday, August 28, 2010

One Line Marketing

Unique Marketing Point.

What you have to realise is we have 5 individuals
both in corporate and owners who have created
billion dollar plus businesses in their own rite.

Just let that sink in for a moment.

Where does that happen? What do they see?
Five accomplished Leaders drawn together and united.

May be you need to have a look at this !

What is your unique selling point?
Always tell the truth and be prepared to back up your claims.
Don't waste your time on mediocre options.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Save on YOUR Tax Return
and help others.

If your prospect has a W-2 job, or a small business,
they should know that by starting a home business
with you they can likely save enough on their taxes to
pay for their initial and monthly investment
for a life enhancing product.

Small Business has always been the backbone of our economies,
so, in my opinion, and I assume the bulk of the 100 million plus
Network Marketers who operate Small Home Based Businesses
Understand that the respectable MLM’s companies
will contribute to growth and prosperity.

The more money in circulation and the faster it circulates, the
stronger the economy becomes. Small businesses spend money to make money,
and then they spend more money to make more money.
So, the key to economic recovery is getting lots of businesses started quickly.
That's where we come in.

At the moment it seems like half the world is broke, and the
other half are afraid to spend the money they do have, so how do
we get a bunch of new small businesses going?

Share the benefits

You should always give YOUR PROSPECTIVE RECRUIT the
information about tax refunds that are available to them.
When they agree to start, and to run, a part time home-based business,
to run it with profit intent, and to keep adequate business records
they can find a world of difference in their taxes.

Most Governments world wide say, "If you do that, I'll cut your taxes by a
$ thousands or more every year, starting RIGHT NOW,
and furthermore, I'll let you collect part of your additional Tax Refund
every payday, (pay roll deductions) all year long – that could be
$ thousands per year, for the rest of your "job" working life!)

You must work your business every week, be able to show you're
trying to make a profit, and you must keep adequate business records.

Out of the many tax breaks for home-based businesses, here are some:

1/. Home Office Deduction. $/week
(this may even lets you write-off part of your RENT or mortgage!).

2/. Business-Use of Personal Vehicles (this may be your BIGGEST deduction, particularly if there is more than one person involved in the business)

3/. Hiring your own Children- Now that’s an incentive to make money.

4/. The proportion of your out-of-pocket computer, phone,
internet and stationary expenses that relate to your home business.

5/. Meals and Entertainment (this deduction, with receipts, is totally safe!,
check daily limits)

6/. Combining Business trips with Pleasure trips (vacations can become tax deductions)

7/. Any furniture that you use for your office.

Ask your tax accountant

Exactly what tax breaks are available to home-business owners?

Keep receipts, car log book, record keeping will help bullet-proof your Tax Returns.

Sharing this information with associates will help them see the larger picture
That proactive people see when they begin to develop a business plan.

Sharing information should improve your Recruiting,
Closing and Retention and should help motivated people to
join your business even if they're broke!

Honestly, can you really afford to wait?
The cost of not having a home-based business, and of not
understanding the tax benefits that come with it, is quite large.

P.S.: I use an Accountant, I am not an Accountant. I recommend that
you check this out with your accountant for current deduction and rules.

Let me know some of the benefits I forgot... Appreciate it....